Privacy Policy
As part of our role in leading the GLOW Maths Hub, we collect and hold a certain amount of data about individuals involved in our network.
The data includes name, role (with respect to hub work), school/establishment, Teacher Reference Number (TRN), email address, National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) username and (in some cases, for example Work Group Leads) telephone number.
The agreement between GLOW Maths Hub/Balcarras School (GLOW Maths Hub's Lead School) and the Department for Education (DfE) requires us to monitor and evaluate our work as a Maths Hub. This is the legal basis for the data that we hold; for example, participation in the Work Groups, which we coordinate. Such data is reported on a regular basis to both the NCETM and the DfE. More information can be found in our Privacy Policy.
In addition, we use this data to keep in touch with you on matters of legitimate interest, such as professional development opportunities and Maths education related matters.